Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why Ubuntu Just Doesn't beat OS X

Why Ubuntu just doesn't beat OS X

Blog Post 6: Why Ubuntu doesn't beat OS X

I love Ubuntu. Really, I think it would be great if I could 
switch to it full time. I like OS X as well though, so this 
led to some dilemma. Although difficult, I managed to set
 up a dual-boot Ubuntu and OS X on my Mac Mini. Now,
 I had Ubuntu before full-time on my PC (Netbook, I know
, it's old). And I loved it there. It was faster, and more
 feature filled than XP on my EEE PC. 

So, as you can imagine, I was thrilled when I got Ubuntu
 on my Mac a few days ago. Now, let me just say it is still
 great. I got the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 12.10. and it is
 still awesome. Very fast, beautiful, and full of features. 
Not to mention it has pretty much everything I want.
 However, I just can't switch over permanently, and
 probably never will. Here's why.

1. Lack of Xcode
This is the single biggest reason I can not switch. I am an
 Objective-C developer, so all of my projects are on OS X,
 and I love (And need) Xcode. Since I work almost all day
 on Xcode, having to keep switching to OS X is just not
 practical, and forces Ubuntu to come in second. Pretty
 much every other reason extends from this.

2. I don't want to devote time into something I will spend little time with.
Since everything is on OS X, and I will be on OS X all the time, I just don't want to make a switch to an
 OS I will use less. I would need to copy everything over, set things up again, and get used to Ubuntu over
 the tightly integrated OS X.

3. Storage Space
Here's another reason. Storage. I have a 500 GB harddrive. Plenty of room right? No. I thought it was at
 first, but I have already used 200 GB on OS X. Now, OS X is partitioned to 400 GB and Ubuntu has 100
 GB. Obviously, I can not move everything over, which means I will have to ditch projects, or loose space
 on OS X, which I don't want to do. Now, I could leave only development stuff on OS X and do
 everything else on OS X, but like I said. I will be spending most of my time on OS X anyway, so getting
 rid of my other files isn't practical, especially since I can't mount the Ubuntu HD on OS X.

4. Lack of actual Compatibility with a Mac.
The Ubuntu developers don't expect OS X people to use Ubuntu. I have a Unix-based OS. I got all the
 commands, a nice terminal, not to mention an OS that is optimized for a Mac. Trackpads work great, it has
 cool gestures, it's faster, wireless works easily. 

Now, I can and did get the trackpad, wireless, and other things to work on Ubuntu. But they just don't
 work as well. I can't even get natural scrolling to work on Ubuntu, which is a big problem. Therefore, I
 find myself switching to a normal mouse, which is not a pleasant experience after having a Magic

5. Finally, the lack of quality apps, or the ability to make my own.
Ubuntu has a lot of apps, it actually has the main things I use (I'll go over those in another blog post.), but
 they just aren't as good. Also, unlike OS X, the few times I need something special, I can't guarente it will
 work or be available. On  OS X, if I don't have a basic program, I can make one myself, like I did for
 Knowledge. On Linux I can't. 

All of that being said, I still love Ubuntu, if I ever get a PC has a gift or something, Ubuntu is completely
 taking over that machine. However, on a Mac, it just doesn't do enough for me.

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